
31 Oct 2008

永遠包尾的街名 Zzyzx @ Las Vegas

在美國加州駕車往拉斯維加斯途中,有一條公路名叫做 "Zzyzx",發音已經忘記了,但為何它的名字那麼特別?因為多數人都會爭第一,所以命名者就想它成為「倒數第一」 ﹝即排名最後 -"包尾"﹞!!!

When driving from California to Las Vegas in USA, there is a road called "Zzyzx". Why this road name is so special? It is because the majority would like to be the winner or appear as No. 1 in a list, so the person who name this road thought of name it to be the last one in a list which is the first one if we count from the end

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